Welcome to MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society. ... Maryland's foremost advocate and resource for physicians, their patients, and the public health.
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What does MedChi stand for?
The Maryland State Medical Society, commonly known as MedChi, a shortened form of the state medical society's full and ancient historic name: "The Medical and Chirurgical Faculty of the State of Maryland" is the Maryland state-level affiliate of... Wikipedia
Founded: 1799, Annapolis, MD
The Maryland State Medical Society, commonly known as MedChi, a shortened form of the state medical society's full and ancient historic name: "The Medical ...
MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society ... The Maryland State Medical Society is the statewide professional association for licensed physicians.
Maryland's foremost advocate and resource for physicians, patients, and the public health. #YourAdvocate #YourResource #YourProfession.
Medchi promotes medical knowledge and ethics, advocates for physicians, patients and public health, and helps navigate the changing healthcare landscape.
1211 Cathedral Street Baltimore, MD 21201 (410) 962-5580 MedChi is a non-profit organization that is governed by the Board of Trustees.
MedChi, The Maryland State Medical Society. medchiupdates. 1211 Cathedral Street, Baltimore, Maryland 21201-5516. Nonprofit organization•217 posts.