subject:"Scholasticism" from
Through hundreds of published and unpublished sources, Alex J. Novikoff traces the evolution of disputation from its ancient origins to its broader influence in the scholastic culture and public sphere of the High Middle Ages.
subject:"Scholasticism" from
This book is a valuable contribution to study of an important and complex development in European history: Christians acquiring accurate knowledge of Judaism and its history.
subject:"Scholasticism" from
Private property, public financing, the theory of money, distributive justice, and interest and banking are some of the matters they dealt with. No date is noted for the first edition; the second seems only to incorporate corrections.
subject:"Scholasticism" from
In this book Lodi Nauta seeks a more balanced assessment, presenting us with the first comprehensive analysis of the humanist's attempt at radical reform of Aristotelian scholasticism.
subject:"Scholasticism" from
This book traces Descartes' groundbreaking theory of scientific explanation back to the mathematical demonstrations of Aristotelian physics, in the light of the arguments for and against substantial forms which were available to him.