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subject:"Scholasticism" from
Ce livre de 1960 n'avait pas été réimprimé. On découvre un essai étincelant du Gilson de la maturité, une dissertation automnale sur les idées chères du grand médiéviste.
subject:"Scholasticism" from
Dr Brett traces the range of the terminology of rights within the scholastic tradition from the thirteenth-century poverty controversy to the works of the sixteenth-century neo-Thomistic 'School of Salamanca'.
subject:"Scholasticism" from
Mohammed centres specifically upon Averroes' doctrine of immortality--a doctrine that posited immortality for man as a being entire, not merely for his soul.
subject:"Scholasticism" from
Einführungs- und Übersichtsliteratur -- Zeittafel -- Personen- und Namenregister -- Sachregister sowie Liste griechischer und lateinischer Voces
subject:"Scholasticism" from
Voici un livre de reflexions barde de souvenirs, un livre de souvenirs entrelarde de reflexion: tout se tient etroitement dans cettte autobiographie de la pensee gilsonienne .
subject:"Scholasticism" from
Leading scholars in the field of religious studies show that scholasticism as a comparative category is useful in the analysis of a variety of religious and philosophical traditions and even in the task of cultural criticism.
subject:"Scholasticism" from
Leading scholars in the field of religious studies show that scholasticism as a comparative category is useful in the analysis of a variety of religious and philosophical traditions and even in the task of cultural criticism.
subject:"Scholasticism" from
La dispute LIV acheve l'ensemble monumental des Disputes metaphysiques de Suarez publiees en 1597.
subject:"Scholasticism" from
The Fourteenth Century -- Rise of the Schools of the Renaissance. Culminates with the revival of Scholasticism.
subject:"Scholasticism" from
No detailed description available for "Knowledge True and Useful".