Includes: College directory [giving the name, locality, course of study, faculty, and number of students, of 175 or more of the Principal collegiate institutions of the United States]. [Boston, Robert Bros. 1872-74]
Includes: College directory [giving the name, locality, course of study, faculty, and number of students, of 175 or more of the Principal collegiate institutions of the United States]. [Boston, Robert Bros. 1872-74]
Contents included sermons, religious news, book reviews, essays, poetry, and listings of ordinations and dedications. (cf. American Periodical Series Online, 1740-1900).
Contents included sermons, religious news, book reviews, essays, poetry, and listings of ordinations and dedications. (cf. American Periodical Series Online, 1740-1900).
The central idea in this work is to reconnect with the concept ora covenant -- the promise of support and accountability which is foundational to a liberal religious community.