Dans cet essai, Georges Jean analyse la manière dont la lecture à haute voix a historiquement dominé pendant de nombreux siècles, la lecture silencieuse étant réservée aux clercs.
What different approaches have been developed to teach this important skill? Speaking deals with both these questions, providing clear explanations of recent research and developments in methodology.
This elocution manual is a comprehensive and practical book that will help learners acquire a sound diction, correct pronounciation and perfect their reading and speaking skills to express themselves confidently and fluently in front of an ...
This treatise proposes that sensory deprivation could be a cause of apparent mental defect through his work with handicapped children. He established criteria for distinguishing between intellectual capability and performance.
Das Sprecherzieherische Elementarbuch zählt seit über drei Jahrzehnten zu den national und international anerkannten Standardwerken der deutschen Sprecherziehung.