Three views on creation and evolution are presented in this popular format whereby the contributors provide their own articles and respond to those of their peers.
At last, an easy-to-understand book traces the history of this strange phenomenon utilizing the research of many of the "heavyweights" of UFOlogy -- and it's been making sense to a lot of people. This is a book for everyone.
Those opposed to the teaching of evolution often make well-rehearsed claims about science that sound powerful and convincing. This work seeks to serve as a resource for addressing over 400 of the most prevalent claims made by creationists.
In this remarkable book, Dr. Morris examines both the famous creation account in Genesis, as well as lesser-known references, such as Ezra and Colossians.
But it is not merely a political issue. In American Genesis, Jeffrey P. Moran explores the ways in which the evolution debate has reverberated beyond the confines of state legislatures and courthouses.
L’auteur examine les stratégies des discours pseudo-scientifiques, des créationnismes négationnistes aux créationnismes philosophiques qui sollicitent la communauté scientifique pour qu’elle participe à une « quête de sens ». ...
In For Time and Forever, Dr. Henry Morris inspires Christians to find and fulfill their purpose in "Redeeming the time because the days are evil." (Ephesians 5:16)Your vital role in God's wonderful plan for the earth is clearly presented in ...