It is the first book to focus on a woefully underreported dimension of the crisis, namely, the significant role that lending on commercial property development played in the crisis.
Inhaltsangabe: Inhaltsverzeichnis:Inhaltsverzeichnis: Abkürzungsverzeichnis 1.Einführung 1.1Problemstellung 1.2Aufbau der Arbeit 2.Vorzeitige Beendigung des langfristigen Hypothekendarlehens als Entstehungsgrund der ...
In recent decades, the main concern regarding innovation relates to: multinational corporations relocating R&D to emerging economies’; and some companies from emerging economies entering global markets with innovative products and ...
Die Umsetzung dieser Faktoren wird in den Unternehmen durch Führungsmodelle gesteuert. Am weitesten verbreitet sind hier das Harzburger Modell (HM) und das Modell des Management by Objectives (MbO).
Beginning with a Foreword by Robert Kaplan, cofounder of the Balanced Scorecard, this book reveals how to: Get upper management to understand the serious and systemic problems with traditional management practices, and how the Beyond ...
With a student-oriented pedagogy designed to enhance comprehension, promote engagement, and build real-world understanding, this user-friendly book provides an essential foundation in current advanced accounting methods and standards.
This is the first book I’ve read that provides a clear and practical definition of pricing strategy—and how to determine one—instead of going straight to the numbers.” MARIN GJAJA, CHIEF CUSTOMER OFFICER, FORD MODEL E “What I ...