subject:"Anatomy, Comparative" from
It is likely that the environment is the source of epidemic strains. This is the first book to focus on the implication of these discoveries.
subject:"Anatomy, Comparative" from
The pioneering work of many 19th century workers, culminating in the development of the first rabies vaccines by Louis Pasteur, provided the ground work for the modern era in the study of rabies.
subject:"Anatomy, Comparative" from
Ideal for undergraduate comparative anatomy courses, this classic manual combines comprehensive illustrations, text, and a clear, readable design. Organisms include protochordates, lampry, dogfish shark, mud puppy, and cat.
subject:"Anatomy, Comparative" from
This book uses the spiral shape as a key to a multitude of strange and seemingly disparate stories about art, nature, science, mathematics, and the human endeavour.
subject:"Anatomy, Comparative" from
The book is divided into eight parts which: place evolutionary developmental biology in the historical context of the search for relationships between development and evolution; detail the historical background leading to evolutionary ...
subject:"Anatomy, Comparative" from
The Seventh Edition of Anatomy and Physiology of Farm Animals is a thoroughly updated and revised version of this classic text.
subject:"Anatomy, Comparative" from
Numerous colour photos and additional vector graphic figures allow readers to identify specific species at a higher taxonomic level (family). The book is supplemented by electronic material including pictures and short video sequences.
subject:"Anatomy, Comparative" from
This is the first volume to provide comprehensive coverage of acetogenesis.