inauthor: Iowa. State Department of Health from
Professional and Administrative Occupations Karen Church. Indiana State Personnel Department . ( n.d. ) . Classification specification for the occupation of statistician . Indianapolis , IN : Author . Iowa Department of Personnel ...
inauthor: Iowa. State Department of Health from
... school building was erected . He was a member of the Iowa state board of health for eighteen years , during part of which time he served as president . Dr. Conniff was president of the Iowa State Medi- cal Society in 1901 and 1902. He ...
inauthor: Iowa. State Department of Health from
Health , was elected president , Elliott Kimberly vice - presi- dent , and F. G. Pierce of Marshalltown , Iowa ... State boards of health of Iowa , Kansas , Ohio , Illi- nois and California ... department stores , express companies ...
inauthor: Iowa. State Department of Health from
... school building was erected . He was a member of the Iowa state board of health for eighteen years , during part of which time he served as president . Dr. Conniff was president of the Iowa State Medi- cal Society in 1901 and 1902. He ...
inauthor: Iowa. State Department of Health from
The volume also discusses work-related injuries, violence toward and abuse of nursing staffs, and stress among nursing personnelâ€"and examines whether these problems are related to staffing levels.
inauthor: Iowa. State Department of Health from
... Iowa Municipalities , named the " National Septic Process Protective League ... state institutions and private individuals , subject to the approval of the ... Health , was elected president , Elliott Kimberly vice - presi- dent ...
inauthor: Iowa. State Department of Health from
... Health at School , Protection of . Heating and Ventilating Junket , A. Higher Education in Pennsylvania . Higher Education , New York State . High School Attendance , Facts About . High School Life . The Social Side of . Hinsdale , In ...
inauthor: Iowa. State Department of Health from
... State U. , 1973 ; MS , No. State U. , Aberdeen , S.C. , 1976 ; postgrad ... Iowa , Feb. 19 , 1941 ; d . Gradus C. Aallberts and Auriel Mae Aalberts ... Health Aide Svc . , Osage , Iowa , 1969-73 ; dir . , head start North Iowa ...