Nicholas Senn. LEA BROTHERS & Co.'s PUBLICATIONS - Pharm . , Mat . Med ... in author has been able so well to coordinate facts any language , and the ... University of Zurich . Experimental Pharmacology . A Handbook of Methods for ...
... in Author is ( 1908 ) rector of St. John's Church , Northampton , Mass . sympathy with Christian science but he ... Senn , Nicholas . 1617 $ 47 Principles of surgery . 1890. Davis . Smith , Frederick John . г616.07 S64 Introduction ...
The physical fitness status of children ages 6-12 is the topic of discussion in this monograph. The publication is organized into 4 major sections and 17 chapters.
... in Author is ( 1908 ) rector of St. John's Church , Northampton , Mass . sympathy with Christian science but ... Senn , Nicholas . г617 $ 47 Principles of surgery . 1890. Davis . Smith , Frederick John . г616.07 $ 64 Introduction ...
Why do people work hard, and take pride in what they do? This book, a philosophically-minded enquiry into practical activity of many different kinds past and present, is about what happens when people try to do a good job.
This book describes how the field of sports history has matured dramatically over the past decade, and expands on what this means for sports historians today.
Only recently rediscovered, this marks the inaugural U.S. publication of The Cats of Copenhagen, a treasure for readers of all ages. A rare addition to Joyce’s known body of work, it is a joy to see this exquisite story in print at last.
Indexing A–Z from The Chicago Manual of Style—the undisputed authority for style, usage, and grammar. In this age of searchable text, the need for an index made with human input is sometimes questioned.