Jean-Baptiste Massillon. indolent and worldly pursuits ? You fometimes correct your inclinations ; you perhaps bear ... in author- ity over your fellow - creatures ? Submiffion to the will of heaven , if the fuccefs does not ...
"This book is the result of a study in which the authors identified all of the American women who earned PhD's in mathematics before 1940, and collected extensive biographical and bibliographical information about each of them.
... Jean Baptiste Le Moyne , sieur de . SEE Lemoyne de Bienville , Jean Baptiste . BIG brother . H2522 . SEE Jeffe ... Massillon , Ohio ; 22Dec51 ; IP993 . BIRDIE . GU19726 . SEE Moses , Anna Mary ( Robertson ) . BIRMINGHAM , MARY ...
The chief interest in this work rests with the naturalizations in Part III, which were compiled from Maryland's Provincial Court documents in the Hall of Records, Annapolis, Between 1742 and 1775 upwards of 1,000 naturalizations were ...